Paweł Kamionka

Let's get technical.

7 most popular WordPress page builders

Do you remember the time when every single element of a new website had to be separately coded? Do you recall how the process of building a static site could take weeks, months even? Yeah, me neither. The introduction of WordPress in 2003, the world’s most popular Content Management System to date, has changed the Internet’s landscape for good. People suddenly realized they don’t need advanced coding skills (or a lot of money) to build and manage their own websites. Fast forward a few years, and

What makes DAO a DAO?

In an ongoing discussion about Web3 shaping the future of the Internet, the concept of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) takes an increasingly prominent position. The idea of blockchain-bound, transparent, and fully democratized organizations focused on growth and shared values draws much interest from the tech industry’s opinion leaders and business visionaries alike. DAOs are already considered one of the tenets of the Internet’s imminent transformation into the Web3 stage. With th

WordPress Security - 12 steps to secure and protect WordPress

The enormous popularity of WordPress comes with a cost – the more websites use it, the more cybercriminals are tempted to exploit any vulnerability they can find for their malicious gains. WordPress can be a very secure platform with the right approach, but its open-source nature means that new threats are constantly on the rise. It’s a bit like a drag race between WordPress security experts and the hackers, where there are no rules or finish line. The best we can do is force the bad guys to the

Why do the IT project quotations vary so much?

If you ever had to commission building a website (or basically any other IT-related job), chances are you’ve already seen a significant discrepancy in price calculations between contractors. The differences can be mind-boggling at times – how come the estimate for the same job is twice or thrice bigger? Is the cheaper software house cutting corners? Or is the expensive one looking for an easy score? Unfortunately, there are no easy answers here. Besides, to get some of them, you will need to ask

NodeJS | - Software House

It is excellent for dynamic web pages Node.js can handle thousands of concurrent connections while running as a single process. It is an ideal choice for high-performance tasks, especially where managing thread concurrency isn’t a viable option.

PayPal applied Node.js to decrease loading times. LinkedIn switched to Node.js to minimize resource usage and boost the app’s performance. Netflix, Uber, and NASA employ it too. No matter the size of your project, we can use Node.js to reduce the usage

WordPress in Docker - why you should dockerize your WordPress site

The last decade’s introduction of Docker is considered one of the most significant breakthroughs in the world of software development. The possibility to package your app and its dependencies into convenient containers made developers’ lives so much easier. It’s not always possible nor recommended to utilize containerization, though in certain circumstances, using Docker considerably streamlines the development cycle. One such scenario is building a website with WordPress, which will be our main

10 Web Development Trends to follow in 2022

Always evolution, often revolution – the only certain thing in web development is change. New technologies appear, some established ones gain unexpected momentum, and other solutions suddenly become outdated. It’s hard to keep up with the ever-changing industry, but luckily, we have you covered. Read on to find 10 web development trends worth following in 2022.

Even though the concept of PWA was first introduced by Google in 2015, it took a few more years for its wider usage to gain momentum. F

How to detect the CMS of the website - check your website engine

Are you an ambitious developer looking for inspiration? An online marketer spying on your competitors? Or maybe you simply enjoy checking what’s under the hood? Whatever your deal is, we don’t judge – we just like to help. Read on to find out how to detect the CMS on any website.

How To Detect the CMS – The Manual Way

If you sometimes like to get your hands dirty, you may be tempted to approach the CMS detection task the way our great-grandparents did – with the page inspection tool. Every maj

Case Study: TCM

TCM is a market-leading adhesive tape manufacturer based in Poland. We enjoyed this project thoroughly as it pushed us towards uncharted waters – we got a chance to build a user-friendly… tape creator. The introduction of the new feature, along with the website’s layout redesign, was instrumental to TCM’s plans to boost growth and increase the conversion rates, thanks to a more streamlined process of handling orders.

The TCM’s tape creator is a brilliant, multifunctional tool that allows client

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